Poor Posture? How NOT to Give Up | Posture Doctor

“Ever Tried?

Ever Failed?

No Matter.

Try Again.

Fail Again.

Fail Better.”

(author unknown)

One of the Biggest Posture Mistakes you can make is giving up when you don’t get immediate results. This really frustrates me, because I know what it is like to have unattractive painful posture, because I did. The sixth year into private practice as a chiropractor, I saw a picture of myself from my own clinic opening and I was horrified by what I saw.

I was a chiropractor with terrible forward head posture. When did this happen?! It became my absolute mission to correct my granny-like appearance. I began eating, sleeping and dreaming posture and went on to gain a fellowship in the physics of posture. I guess it’s fair to say, I fell in love with posture.

Further Reading  >> My Story

I know what it is to struggle and not see immediate results, because I was THAT person. When you refuse to give up, you go from feeling fed up with painful, unattractive posture and arriving in a place you never thought possible!


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